Daily counts of positive COVID-19 cases by county will still be posted
July 29, 2020
EAST WENATCHEE – Chelan-Douglas Health District (CDHD) will move to weekly detailed data reports about COVID-19 prevalence in the two counties starting August 1, 2020. The reports will be posted on Wednesday afternoons. Daily reports of positive COVID-19 cases will still be available on the Health District’s website.
“We have seen a significant increase in COVID-19 cases since July 1st,” says Joyous Van Meter, the CDHD Epidemiologist. “In fact, 65% of our total positive COVID-19 case count has occurred since July 1st. Keeping up with the data demands requires a huge amount of time for a very small number of staff available to manage it.”
The increase in positive case numbers can be attributed to a number of factors, including a relaxed diligence about avoiding crowds and gatherings since the two counties moved to a partial re-opening on June 10, 2020. Positive case numbers were on the decline until the partial reopening. Graduation celebrations, Fourth of July and an increase in the number of visitors into both counties also are contributing factors.
For the health of your family, neighbors, and friends, please wear a mask when in public. It is a personal decision we all make when we choose to socialize outside of our households. We risk infecting others with our choices to interact with people who are not within our close family circle and we may be impacting our most vulnerable residents should we be in close contact. Please mask up when out in public and protect one another.
CDHD would like to remind everyone to stay safe and mask-up. Masking is the next best thing to a vaccine. For more information, visit www.cdhd.wa.gov/covid-19 and follow us on Facebook & Twitter .
Full Press Release:
2020-29 Weekly Data Updates